Sunday, June 14, 2009

Shopping Ads

Lexi takes after her mom! Laura has taught both of her daughters to be very thorough shoppers. Lexi has started very early in life. She is very fun to watch in a store because she will grab something off a rack and hold it up for a good look and always makes a comment! She does
LOVE to look at the newspaper ads and cataloges. Fortunately she is talking more clearly and we can understand more of what she has to say! :)

Dad's Poor Ear

This picture is way past due! For at least a year dad had been having a scab on his ear that would break open and bleed on his pillow at night as he slept. In January he visited our family doctor and he referred him to a specialist in IF. He was very good. Dad had a beta cell cancer that was very common and fairly easy to treat. The ear tissue regenerates nicely. It involved most of one day as the Dr. would peal off one layer of tissue at a time until he felt he had all of the cancer. It was then tested right there in their lab. Dad had go have tissue removed 3 times before the doctor decided he got all of the cancer. It did heal quickly -dad is all better!