Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend 2010

Candace, Beau and the boys came home for Memorial Day weekend! Of course, it was the typical Idaho Memorial Day weekend with cold, windy, wet weather!! They arrived in Rexburg to a rainy downpour, dropped the boys off with grandma and hurried to the Rexburg Temple. This was their first time going through a session there. Candace was surprised to see several people she knew from Chester working there - even Aunt Deanna. They had a great session! : )

Saturday evening we fed the missionaries. Beau and Brad went to the theater to see Robin Hood and Candace, grandma and the boys went shopping in Rexburg. Sunday was church and a family dinner in Chester - Bryce, Shauna and their family came up too. Sunday evening we got into a fun game of pictionary. Candace had grandma as her handicap partner - hey, they even won some rounds!! Whoever get grandma is always the "handicap" team.

Here is our group picture at Warm River! The bread is gone and the little one's are getting a little fussy... time to head back home. It was fun while it lasted! : )

Here we are at Warm River to feed the fish! Grandma had saved some stale buns just for this occassion. The kids had fun until the bread ran out! : ( This is a special spot in the river, just to feed the fish - and there are some big one's here. Of course, there is no fishing allowed in this area. Many people return to this spot on a yearly basis - and have been doing so for 30-40-50 years!! There is another area up into Mack's Inn area called Big Springs that has a similar area to feed big fish. That is where several years ago we took Candace and Beau and intruded on a family of Moose feeding on th bottom of the water bed.

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